Feb 022016

Richard Wilson released a new version of his great Amstrad CPC and Amstrad Plus emulator WinApe. The new version contains mainly bugfixes for the last version and some smaller improvements. You can download it from the WinApe homepage and at the end of this post.

Here is the complete changelist for the new version:


  • Correct Z80 Flags emulation for IN and OUT and all derivatives.
  • Added support for CRTC Type 1 register 6 border blanking when set to zero.


  • Changed breakpoint conditions to use 32 bit values rather than 16 bit values.
  • Added a number of functions to breakpoint conditions to support 32 bit to 16/8 bit conversion.
  • Added true and false variables.


  • Added ability to load symbols from the WinAPE command line using the /SYM:filename parameter.
  • Option to automatically hide the output window on successful assemble.


  • Added documentation of command line parameters in help files.
  • Added documentation of new breakpoint condition variables and functions.
  • Updates ParaDOS 1.2 and ParaDOS 1.2+ ROM images to bug-fixed version which will work in slots below 7.
4.3 MiB
Nov 282015

After 4 years Richard Wilson released a new version of his great CPC  and Plus emulator WinApe. There are a lot of changes and enhancements for the emulation, but have a look at the huge changelist below. You can download it from the WinApe homepage and at the end of this post.

Here is the complete changelist for the new version:


  • Improved palette change emulation.
  • Z80 MEMPTR emulation.
  • Correct Z80 Flags emulation.
  • Fixed Z80 DAA instruction.
  • Re-mapped AY output volumes (again!).
  • Changed volume percentage of B channel to 75%.
  • Doubled the period for noise register.
  • Digiblaster and AmDrum emulation.
  • Allow read of AY register 15.
  • Fixed small residual volume on tape input when read bit was zero.
  • Fixed full residual volume on tape input when motor is turned off (and last bit read was high), previously caused disable of AY channel A.
  • Allowed for up to 32 Upper ROMs.
  • Allowed disc images to use up to 162 tracks (81 cylinders).
  • Fixed a keyboard bug with certain keyboard drivers returning key 0 as pressed (which was used for the (None) value). This caused multiple keys to be always pressed at the same time in the emulation.
  • Forced at least one tape read per frame to ensure tape progresses while playing even if the PPI is not read.
    Reduced Tape Stall period when Tape Motor is turned off.
  • Changed CDT/TZX T-State conversion to 3470000 rather than 3500000 to allow some (badly created?) CDTs to work.
    Fixed CDT/TZX Direct Recording block support.
  • Fixed CDT/TZX bit state transition (stays high for 1ms if that was the last state).
  • Changed CDT/TZX Standard block timing to match specification.
  • Fixed error on load of empty tape image.
  • Emulation of Dobbertin SmartWatch (Read Only), not currently available with SNR recording.


  • Split Display configuration for Windowed and Full Screen separate values for various options.
  • Added Digiblaster option to Printer port configuration.
  • Added the ability to select (None) for any unmapped key.
  • Added FIRE 3 to keyboard/joystick configuration.
  • Forced ROM remapping after configuration changes so the ROMs are changed immediately.

Tape Monitor

  • Added hints for details on various blocks.
  • Improved display of tape motor status.


  • New Memory Read/Write and Input/Output Breakpoints.
  • Disassembler display now shows in colours similar to assembler.
  • Added Pass Count to all Breakpoints to allow the number of passes before breaking to be defined.
  • Added the ability to Load and Save breakpoints from the Breakpoints window.
  • Fixed Follow PC and Break Instructions checkboxes.
  • Improved position checking for windows, allowing for multiple displays.
  • Improved row and column highlight and removal especially in full screen mode.
  • Breakpoint Window Condition editor resized with window.
  • Breakpoint Condition form now validates the condition when Ok is clicked.
  • GoTo no longer requires full 4 digit hex number to be entered. (eg. 38 can be entered rather than 0038).
  • Added Timers and associated window. These are controlled using breakpoint condition functions timer_start and timer_stop.
  • Added a number of variables to breakpoint conditions (eg. MODE, palette_select).
  • Ensured all breakpoints evaluate even on single-step and/or if another breakpoint triggered first.
  • Improved breakpoint condition function parameter count checks.
  • Add a hint to the Soft-Scroll register showing X and Y scrolls and blanking value.
  • Added the ability to load NOI symbol files using the Assembler Symbols window.


  • Editor support for Undo and Redo.
  • Display and move to correct column when TAB characters are used.
  • Display a * in the tab to indicate when a file has been modified but not saved.
  • Added a Save All menu item in the File menu.
  • Added SLL undocumented Z80 instruction.
  • Fixed OTDR instruction to output ED BB.
  • Fixed INCBIN access violation with empty include path when file not found.
  • Added an extra parameter (offset_high) to INCBIN to allow 32 bit offsets within the file.
  • Added an optional word parameter for RST instructions (eg. RST #18,label).
  • Added MEMORY function to read emulator memory during assembly.
  • Added CHECKSUM function and directive to produce a checksum or CRC for a region of memory or assembler output.
  • Added SAVE directive to save emulator memory to a file or direct to disc image.
  • Option to conditionally push PC to stack on run.
  • Option to automatically hide the output window on successful assemble.


  • Added VerticalHold (Offset #99) and MemEnable (Offset #9A). (See CPCWiki Version 3 SNA document for details).

AVI Writing

  • Forced writing of AVI frames on every frame refresh.
  • Forced emulator to full size if full size AVI is required.

User Interface

  • Stopped F8 key from entering debug mode while currently stepping over an instruction.
  • Patched VCL to fix ALT key causing controls to disappear.
  • Improved ALT, ESC and F10 key handling (You can now press CTRL-SHIFT-ESC without launching Windows Task Manager).
  • Added Normal Speed (100%) (SHIFT-F3) and High Speed (1000%) (SHIFT-F4) options.
  • Fixed a lot of form and font scaling issues.
  • Fixed Rename menu in disc editor.
  • Fixed Overwrite prompts and default extensions on file dialogs.


  • Support for HTML Help in newer versions of Windows.
  • Added /SHUTDOWN and /SHUTDOWN:FORCE command line parameters to shut down Windows when emulator is closed.
  • Added /SN:filename command line parameter to load a snapshot or recorded session.
  • Fixed a bug with SNR time calculation.
  • Force Vertical Hold to zero for session recording.
  • Added PCW and VORTEX formats.
  • Fixed a bug retrieving and writing blocks to/from CP/M format discs (ROMDOS formats with incorrect DPB extent mask entries D80/D40 etc).
  • Improved detection of double-stepped disc images.
  • Allow IMG files to be used as IDE drives.
  • Support for LBA-48 read and write commands (#24, #34) supporting up to 2TB (32-bit sector address).
  • Improved IDE status handling and handling of IDNF errors.
  • IDE CHS translation.
  • Some support for Get Drive Parameters command (#EC).
4.2 MiB
Jul 302011

After nearly 3 years Richard Wilson released a new version of his great CPC Plus emulator WinApe. The main features for this version are major improvements of the sound emulation, full-sized AVI writing and debugger enhancements. You can download it from the WinApe homepage and at the end of this post.

This is the complete changelist for the new version:


  • Changes logical volumes (and scales) used for AY output.
  • Simplified and improved AY emulation, fixed period change adjustments.
  • Fixed possible bright pixels in the top left when in PAL emulation.
  • Writing to PSG registers above 15 now ignored as per real standard AY.
  • Changed the way the Symbiface RTC switches between BCD and Binary modes.
  • Switched back to full 8 bit interrupt vector (bit 0 is NOT reset as per most documentation around).
  • Fixed Z80 overflow flag for INC (HL), DEC (HL) and IX/IY equivalents.


  • Added the ability to select a block of memory (right-click, Select Block…) in the memory editor.
  • Added the ability to fill the selection with a sequence of values (right-click, Fill…) in the memory editor.
  • Added the ability to compare two regions of memory or to compare a region of memory with a file (right-click, Compare To…) in the memory editor.
  • Defaulted memory mapping (Any) to RAM bank #C0 to stop change when switching.


  • Fixed a bug with symbol usage and relocation tables inside if, else etc.
  • Added Select All menu item and keyboard functionality.

AVI Writing

  • Improved the timing of video and sound synchronisation.
  • Added the ability to record full sized (768 x 540) videos.


  • Added cylinder and drive LEDs for drive B:
  • Fixed saving of allow Temporary Writes, and Prompt to Save changes settings.
  • Allow zero length sectors in DSK images.
  • Fix writing of DSK images when the only change is to delete a copy of a sector or re-size one.
  • Changes to detect when the window has focus (workaround for Delphi and Windows bugs). This stops typing from appearing in WinAPE when another application has focus.
  • Changed timing to display actual speed (CPU cycles per second as a percentage of 1 million) rather than a percentage based on the number of frames per second. Previously, CRTC changes would affect speed display.
  • Changed tape WAV writing to use values of 00 and FF rather than 00 and 1F.
  • Fixed WAV output for 16 bit samples. Should now play in WMP.
  • Fixed the position of the Speed indicator label.
  • Added a warning when playing back old SNR files.
  • Allowed CD ROM and removeable drives to be used as Symbiface IDE drives (Currently there is no support for CD-ROM formats on the CPC, but maybe one day).
  • Increased tape output WAV sample rate to 22050Hz rather than 11025Hz since it was inadequate for high bit rate tapes.
WinApe v2.0a18
WinApe v2.0a18
1.5 MiB
Sep 052008

Richard Wilson just released another new version of his great CPC emulator WinApe. As always, you can find the complete changelist in the whats-new.rtf file in the download archive. Here are the most important new things:

  • PAL emulation display modes
  • rotate graphics in graphics editor
  • command line options to add an autotype file

You can download it from the official Winape homepage.

WinApe v2.0a17
WinApe v2.0a17
Version: v2.0a17
1.5 MiB
Aug 302008

Richard Wilson just released a new version of his great CPC emulator WinApe. As always, the list of changes is huge and you can find the complete list in the whats-new.rtf file in the download archive. Here are the most important new things:

  • complete rewrite of the disc emulation (more accuracy)
  • disc drive motor and stepping sounds
  • true-type CPC symbols (assembler, debugger, disc editor, auto-type)
  • improved support for files without AMSDOS header

As always, you can download the latest version from the WinApe homepage .

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