Oct 122019

ESP Soft released a new adventure game for the Amstrad CPC. In the game you wake up in the hospital of a space station called Euclides XXI. During the last three years, you have been working on analysation of a close temporal vortex near the space station. Try to find out what happened and how to get out of there.

The game is available in spanish and english. You can download it from the ESP Soft website (download the “ENG” version at the end of the page if you want to play it in english).

Feb 032014

ESP Soft released a new action adventure game for the Amstrad CPC. In the game you play the ex-soldier J.C. Gamber, whose mission is to fight the three gang bosses who control the district in which you live. On your way to the bosses, you have to fight gangsters who are armed with knives and guns.
You can download the game directly from Amstrad.es or at the end of this news.




La Guerra de Gamber
La Guerra de Gamber


50.7 KiB
Jan 062013

We have the first release in 2013: The spanish Retroworks game studio released the game “Teodoro no sabe volar” (Teodoro can’t fly) for the Amstrad CPC. It is also available for Spectrum and MSX computers. You have to guide Teodoro through the enemy infested castle to warn the nearby kingdoms about the invading menace. As always, beautiful graphics and nice music, so don’t wait and download it from the Retroworks page (currently only the cassette version is available – the disk version will follow within the next days).


Apr 112011

A new platform game was released by GG and ESP Soft. Because there is only a spanish version of the game, I can’t tell you more about it, but it is very hard to play and features a nice retro style. You can download it from Amstrad.es and at the end of this posting.


Hora Bruja
Hora Bruja


108.2 KiB
Oct 212009

Zarkon started a thread in the spanish CPC board at mforos.com about the [[Amstrad Cartridge Identification Device|ACID]] protection of the CPC+ cartridges. This small protection chip is the last part of the CPC which isn’t well known and without this chip it isn’t possible to develop any new cartridges for the CPC 464+, CPC 6128+ or the GX4000.
So if you are able to help with analysation – maybe because you know directly the details of this chip or you have knowledge about electronics – then please have a look at the thread in the spanish CPC board. Most of the entries in this thread are spanish, but you can translate it with Google which makes the thread at least understandable.

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