Oct 172019

You still love to write programs with the awesome Locomotive BASIC that was delivered directly with the Amstrad CPC? Maybe you still have a BASIC program that you want to run on a modern computer without using an emulator? Great! Then Marco Vieth, well-known for his CPC emulator CPC-Emu, has a solution for you: CPCBasic. It can run you BASIC program in a webbrowser (serverless) and sends its output to the HTML canvas.
To learn more about CPCBasic, head over to the CPCBasic GitHub page and test it by yourself.


  • Run old an new BASIC programs in a browser
  • “Wrap factor” Speed: Frame Fly and other events in real-time, calculations as fast as possible
  • CPC Basic Unchained: Less restrictions, extended by new features, breaking out of the CPC box
  • BASIC compiler and not just interpreter
  • Lots of memory, no memory full
  • Runs locally without a server (even on mobile devices, but without input)
  • HTML5 / JavaScript without external libraries
Sep 172007

Emilio Guerrerog released a CPC Basic compiler for Windows (you need at least .NET 2.0). With this compiler you can write and compile your Basic programs on the PC for the CPC. It will generate an assembler file which you can compile e.g. in emulators like WinApe or WinCPC, which means that the compiled Basic programs will run faster, because they aren’t interpreted on the CPC.
You can download the compiler from the CPCBasic homepage (the page isn’t available in english, but there is a button to translate it).

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