Tau Ceti Productions released their newested video called “CPC generation“. Maybe you have a similar story to tell :-)… Enjoy:
TFM released a new version of his video compression tool Filmemacher (german for ‘Moviemaker’). With Filmemacher you can compress 17kb screen and display them with up to 50fps. You can download the actual version of the program from http://www.futureos.de.
- Application now updated and adapted for FutureOS system .8 or higher
- Memory-Management is enhanced, up to 512 KB E-RAM will be fully used
- Debugging (has still to be enhanced in the next version)
- Interface for German, English and French language
- Application needs a CPC with at least 208 KB RAM.
- The generated CoData movie can now compress 1364 single pictures (511 in last version)
- Application runs best on Class 4 CPC or higher.
Last weekend the famous retro meeting XzentriX was held in Seeshaupt / Germany. I had no time to participate, but here are some pictures, which Nurgle took and two videos, too.
Tolkin using his air pump (needs some drips of oil I guess ;-)):
A small scene of the Bavarian Kickoff Open:
UPDATE: Odiesoft uploaded his pictures, too. You can view them on his homepage.
Mark Hall has produced a nice video featuring an insight in the impact of the CPC between 1984 till 1990.