Devilmarkus programmed and released a new Java based frontend for the disk image transfer tool SAMDisk. With SAMDisk, which was originally designed for the SAM Coupe, you can transfer your .dsk, .mgt, .img and .hdf files to real media (e.g. floppy disk and harddisk).
You can download the tool here. To start the program you have to double click the “SamDisk.jar” file – if this doesn’t work, try “Open with…” and use Java. If you have questions about the program or you want to see some features in the future, have a look at the thread about the program in the CPCWiki forum.
TFE is a floppy emulator based on an ATMega32 which reads the disk data from an SD/MMC card. It is similar to other like the HxC floppy emulator, but because of it’s simplicity it is easier to build (only single-sided PCB and standard components are used). Of course, the Amstrad CPC disks are supported, too :). However, currently it isn’t possible to write data into the loaded DSK images. Have a look at the project at Retromasters Electronic Projects. Currently the plans are not available, let’s hope that there will be a full release soon.