Feb 152011

The CPC version of the game Sub Hunter, written by Richard Bayliss and Frank Gasking, is now available for download at Psytronik. The game was converted by Paul Kooistra, who already brought us the games Star Sabre and Dead on Time. It features 25 levels where you have to destroy the fishs and save the swimmers. The download includes the disk and tape version. If you want to buy a physical copy instead, you can get one from the Binary Zone Interactive Retro Store.


Video review of the game by Xyphoe:

Feb 272010

Axelay, well-known for his great game Star Sabre (128k), has released a new action game “Dead on Time” for the CPC. You have to defeat enemy waves to earn time. If your time runs out, the game is over. Simple, isn’t it :)? The game itself features nice graphics and music, so be sure to download and play it.

You can download it directly from Axelays website or at the end of this news article. The game will be available on physical media (cassette) from Psytronik in the future.


Dead on Time
Dead on Time
35.9 KiB
Mar 072009

Axelay released Star Sabre last year at Cronosoft. After that he worked on an enhanced version of the game which is running on machines with at least 128k memory and the result of his efforts is now available: Star Sabre 128k.

Star Sabre 128k
Star Sabre 128k
70.3 KiB
Aug 242008

The guys at Cronosoft have just released two new games. The games are Balloonacy by Kevin Thacker and Star Sabre by P. Kooistra. You can buy them directly from Cronosoft for 2.99 GBP (1 GBP goes to the author). The screenshot below is from the gameStar Sabre.

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