Jun 012015

EgoTrip released a new game for the Amstrad CPC called Oceano. In Oceano you are playing Amy who explores the sea to collect 20 power crystals which were lost in the ocean long time ago. During her journey through the deep sea, you have to avoid robotic fishes, acid bubbles and prevent sinking of the submarine.
The game was written with the Arcade Game Designer (AGD) and uses joystick controls. You can download and discuss the game from the CPC Wiki forums or at the end of this news.



Version: 1.2
66.7 KiB
May 152015

You have a great idea for an awesome Amstrad CPC game? You want to use a cross-compiler and all your powerful tools on your PC? You don’t know where to start to develop for the Amstrad CPC? Then you should definitively have a look at CPCtelera, a new game engine for the Amstrad CPC, which is based on the SDCC C compiler. It has a very good documentation, a lot of examples and is available for Windows, Linux and OS-X.
You can get the latest version from the official homepage or download it from GitHub.


  • A low-level library with support for: graphics, audio, keyboard, firmware, strings, video hardware manipulation and memory management.
  • An API for developing games and software in C and Assembler.
  • A complete multi-platform building system with support for building CDTs and DSKs automatically.
  • Tools for content authoring (audio, graphics and level editing)

Aims of CPCtelera

  • Delivering a convenient, usable and fast environment for developing games
  • Providing an up-to-date, detailed and easy to consult documentation
  • Giving technical details of the complete implementation for those curious
  • Easing the install and configuration process

May 082015

The BASIC tenliners contest is over for a while now and so it is time to have a look at the results. There were 3 submissions related to the Amstrad CPC by Devilmarkus (Micronoid), EgoTrip (Bounce) and Corpiano (SOS Aereo) and lots of other BASIC tenliners for other computer systems such as the Commodore 64, Commodore 128, Atari 8-bit. So here are the final results for the three categories:


  1. Carrera 3D (9.30)
  2. Cemetry Chase (8.50)
  3. Pear Picker on Ice (8.30)
  4. F*ck-Man (7.78)
  5. Mini-Breakout (6.50)
  6. Maze (6.20)
  7. Virtual Invaders 10% (6.10)
  8. Bad Square Swarm (5.89)
  9. Navigator (5.70)
  10. Stay Alive (5.56)
  11. Racer (5.50)
  12. Glider Fight (5.50)
  13. Mini Break (5.30)
  14. Joy Joy Revolution (5.20)
  15. Apple Max (5.10)
  16. Olympics 6502 (4.80)
  17. Schifoan (4.78)
  18. Re-Action (4.10)
  19. Ringtoss (4.00)
  20. Get (3.90)
  21. Simon (3.70)
  22. Overtake (3.67)
  23. Air-Threat (3.60)
  24. Magic Cards (3.50)
  25. Hangman (3.20)
  26. Chase (3.11)
  27. Procrastination (3.10)
  28. Hearts & Bullets (2.80)
    SOS Aereo (2.80)
  29. Flappy Dot (2.78)
  30. K1nderc0mp (1.60)


  1. Broad’s Revenge (9.50)
  2. SlideTen (9.20)
  3. can MaP (8.00)
  4. 3peak x 10lines (7.90)
    Run Little Man (7.90)
  5. Bounce (6.20)
  6. Micronoid (5.56)
  7. Walls 10% (3.90)


  1. Menu (3.0)

You can get more information about the competition and download the different entries from the BASIC tenliner competition homepage.

May 052015

The 18th XzentriX meeting, a retro-computing party for old computers and game consoles, will take place from 04.-06.09.2015 in Seeshaupt / Germany. Like every year you can expect that a lot of german Amstrad CPC / Schneider CPC users will visit the party. If you have time, don’t miss it! You can find more information on the XzentriX homepage and see some photos in the meeting gallery of my page. In old tradition we will also have a Whacky Wit competition on Saturday again…


May 032015

TFM released a new development version of his Future OS. The new version features the user interface translation intro spanish. You can also choose between the regular icon set or the icon set by MacDeath and there were also some smaller improvements for mainly TotO’s latest hardware developments. You can get the latest version of Future OS from the Future OS homepage.

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