Dec 182010

A little bit late, but anyway: Artaburu released a new version of his utility library for the Z88dk C compiler. E.g. Mariano the dragon or the recently released Nanako Descend To Hell was written with this library and so it contains a lot of graphics functions, key functions, map functions, etc. You can download it from the official homepage of the CPCRslib.

Here are the changes since my last posting:


cpcrslib with horizontal scrolling capabilities is uploaded. From now, there will be 2 official libraries: one for scrolling and one for static screen. Although the scrolling one can be used to for static screens, because it has been improved for scrolling, when static using it is a slower than the "standard" one. Horizontal scroll example included.


Bug in cpc_WyzPlayer corrected. When saving the player interrupt jump, the code was being corrupted due to a bad definition of the address where the original jump was being saved.


cpc_PrintGphStr0,cpc_PrintGphStr0M1: Optimized code: Smaller and faster, thanks to Kevin Thacker for coding it on Blue Angel 69. cpc_PrintGphStr2X,cpc_PrintGphStrXY2X,cpc_PrintGphStrM12X,cpc_PrintGphStrXY2X: New routines for printing graphical text at double height. Sample 5 modified.

Nov 102010

Artaburu released a new version of his utility library for the Z88dk C compiler. E.g. Mariano the dragon or the recently released Nanako Descend To Hell was written with this library and so it contains a lot of graphics functions, key functions, map functions, etc. You can download it from the official homepage of the CPCRslib.

Here are the changes for the new version (at least what I can understand, because it is posting in a spanish forum  ):

Oct 162010

And another game from the Mojon Twins: Sir Ababol. This time you play a young crusader named Sir Ababo which has to collect the strange ababol flowers and regain his sword so that he is able to keep journeying to Jerusalem.

You can read the complete story and download the CDT and DSK version on the Sir Ababol homepage. They also released the source code of game.

This game also uses the Z88dk C compiler with cpcrslib, the PSG player and Exomizer 2 for compression.


Sir Ababol
Sir Ababol
38.0 KiB
Sir Ababol source code
Sir Ababol source code
143.6 KiB
Oct 122010

The Mojon Twins released another game called “Lala Prologue”. In this game you play Lala, a trainee at the great witch academy, who caused a big mess while her teacher, Mistress Morgana la Marrana, was out to buy some potions at the supermarket. To make the long story short: you have to fetch all the filters and chemicals and you also have to fetch the keys to enter new areas in the game.
For more information on the game and its story, have a look at the game homepage. You will also find the DSK image, the CDT image and the source code of the game there. Be sure to download and play it.

The game was written with Z88dk and the cpcrslib, like Blue Angel 69, too. It uses the PSG player by Wyz for sound playback and Exomizer 2 as cross-development compressor.


Lala Prologue
Lala Prologue
45.4 KiB
Lala Prologue source code
Lala Prologue source code
172.7 KiB
Oct 112010

Blue Angel 69 is a conversion of the strategy game with the same name by Magic Bytes. In this game you are playing on a 8×8 board field from which you have to remove fields with numbers. Your opponent tries to do the same. The points which you remove from the game will be added to your score and of course you want to achieve a higher score than your opponent. Try it – it’s fun :).
The game was written by Kevin Thacker, graphics by Markus Homann, music by Roald Strauss and cover, sticker, catalogue art by Kukulcan. You can download the game and the source code from website of Blue Angel 69.

Now some technical details: The game was written with Z88dk with the Artaburus cpcrslib. It also uses the Starkos tracker for music playback, which means that you will find the sourcecode for a music playing library for Z88dk in the source code.


Blue Angel 69
Blue Angel 69
207.4 KiB
Blue Angel 69 source code
Blue Angel 69 source code
2.4 MiB

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