Oct 272016

Kevin Thacker released new version of his cross-platform development tools CPCXfs and 2CDT. With CPCXfs you can transfer files between DSK images, which can be used in an emulator or to transfer files to the real Amstrad CPC, and your local file system. 2CDT is a similar tool, which is used to transfer files from your local file system intro a CDT cassette image. This can also be used in an emulator or transfered to the real machine. Both utilities are widely used for cross-platform development, e.g. with CPCtelera, to prepare your release.
You can download CPCXfs and 2CDT from the CPCWiki forums or at the end of this news. The source code is included in the ZIP archives of the release.

Changelog CPCXfs

  • Fixed errors shown with static analysis
  • CPCXfs will correctly set ERRORLEVEL command-line variable under more error conditions
  • Some other smaller bugfixes

Changelog 2CDT

  • You can define the sync byte for headerless
  • Command-line processing under windows and linux has been re-written. It is a lot better.
  • If you uses the mode with 2 blocks and you gave it a file which was shorter than a block it would not write it correctly. Now fixed.
  • When using pure tone it didn’t write the length of the ‘1’ pulse correctly
  • Some issues seen when running static analysis over the code.
95.0 KiB
485.0 KiB
Apr 062016

SugarboxA new version of Sugarbox, a relatively new Amstrad CPC emulator for Windows, was released. The main feature of the new version is the support for various CPC emulator disk image formats (e.g. HFE of the HxC floppy emulator or RAW from kyroflux), precise Z80 emulation (according to Kevin Thackers timing test bench) and some other features.
Be sure to test the new version of the emulator and download the latest version from http://sugarbox.free.fr.


  • [CT-RAW/IPF]: Native support of these two format. CAPSLib dll from SPS is no longer used. This will fix some non-working dump( due to bug in the lib).
  • [IPF]: Add a SAVE IPF option. You can save your current disk in IPF format, to generate a 3″ disk. You can even write dump with weak sectors.
  • [HFE]: Now it’s possible to save HFE file!
  • [edsk]: Added some tuning to handle sector of header size lower than real size.
  • [edsk]: Fixed some nasty memory overrun.
  • [edsk]: Fixed the way of handling overlapped disk: “Corsarios (UK) (1988) (CPM) [Original].dsk” disk now run correctly. In fact, all dsk should now retrieve their original size of 6k/track
  • [edsk]: Fixed support for ALLGAP dumps
  • [FDC]: New paradigm : Weak bits are now handled by bit. Multi-revolution dump are converted to single revolution with weak bits data.
  • [FDC]: Fix a bug with the SZ byte = 0 in read track command (this fixed “War In Middle Earth (UK) (1987) (CPM) [Original].dsk” dump)
  • [Tape]: Add a delay when motor is on/off. This fixed “Last Mission”
  • [Z80]: Interrupt mode 0 is partially fixed: It does nothing, but no longer corrupt the Z80 registers
  • [Z80]: Fix some wrong behaviour of undocumented opcodes
  • [Z80]: Add the undocumented ‘Q’ register used for Flags, and fix the SCF/CCF instructions regarding this register
  • [Z80]: All Z80 tests from Patrik Rak, adapted to the CPC by Kevin Thacker, are now correct.
  • [Display]: Fixed wrong behaviour for 100%speed with 100hz screen without black frame insertion: Speed was twice what was intendeed
  • [General]: Add Autorun disk on insertion which try to guess the best file to run.
  • [General]: Optimization: Everything is now running 60-80% faster than before
  • [General]: Add a support for auto-executing BIN file (with AMSDOS header), through drag’n’drop.
  • [General]: Fixed the Spanish configuration for 464, and added support for Danish keyboard.
  • [General]: Added -fullscreen command line to enable fullscreen by default
  • [General]: Fixed the “-command” option : In order to run a disc, just launch your command as Sugarbox -command run\”disc\” for example
  • [General]: Added sound for disk drive
  • [General]: Fix copy/paste for english/spanish/danish
  • [GUI]: Added a feedback when loading tape/disk/SNA/SNR
  • [GUI]: Added a preliminary debugger, with Register edition, breakpoints, flags
  • [Joystick support]: Fixed diagonals not supported with some joypads (now, games should be far more playable!)
  • [Memory]: Fixed the configuration : 64k computer no longer have improper PAL
  • [Settings]: Fixed some nasty bugs preventing the keyboard settings to work


Nov 132015

RGASLachlan Keown released a new version of his Retro Game Asset Studio (RGAS). With RGAS you can design various asset types (sprites, sound / music, levels) for different retro computers (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum). It is a cross-development tool, which runs on the .NET runtime under Windows and with Mono it can be used under Linux, too. It is also one component which is included in the CPCtelera game development framework.

The latest version can be downloaded from the RGAS CPCWiki page.

Changes v1.1:

  • Upgraded to .Net Framework 4.0 from 3.5
  • Copying pixels from sprite stores both text(JSON) and bitmap data on clipboard
  • Sprite list now maintains position on refresh
  • Sprite list allows multi-select drag re-order
  • Level designer allows editing of level parameters
  • Level designer has gridlines option
  • Level designer image quality improved
  • Level designer allows duplicating of levels
  • Amstrad font samples available when creating new project
  • Change output format from drop-down menu on toolbar
  • Add tooltip to tiles on level designer for sprite name
  • Single portable .exe rather than a collection of .dlls

Changes v1.1.1:

  • Performance improvements under Linux
Oct 272015


A new version of Sugarbox, a new Amstrad CPC emulator for Windows, was released. The main feature of the new version is the support of online libraries like CPC-Power and Amstrad.eu. Another interesting feature is the support for black frame insertion, which will provide a smooth scrolling on 100hz capable displays.
Be sure to test the new version of the emulator and download the latest version from http://sugarbox.free.fr.


  • [General]: Optimisations (Emulation is about 15% faster)
  • [General]: Generic Joystick are supported through Direct Input. 2 Joysticks can be used, in the order they appear in the os. Work with Xbox controler, as well as standard usb joystick.
  • [SNR]: Add feature to watch SNR file (playbacks) – Preliminary
  • [Z80]: Fixed timing issue in interrupt following some opcodes
  • [Z80]: Fixed incorrect R increment for DD CB and FD CB instructions
  • [FDC]: Fixed « Format » command. Now, a Format command from discology (for example) produce a disk that is correct.
  • [FDC]: Fixed the MSR, that was not handled correctly. This fix Bobby bearing and Camelot warriors original dsk.
  • [FDC]: Fixed the Step Rate Time computation, which was twice longe than expected
  • [FDC]: Fixed behaviour with SK bit and deleted sectors (making Nigel Mansell works)
  • [FDC]: Fixed how read track over the index hole works. The current sector is finished,then the command is ended (fix Skyx)
  • [eDSK]: Fixed an incorrect behaviour with non formatted tracks on some dump. This prevents Bobby Bearing (UK) (1986) (CPM)
  • [Original].dsk to crash when trying to load
  • [eDSK]: Fixed some rare problematic case with offset-info datas
  • [CT-Raw]: Fixed write bug when multiple revolutions exists (which somewhere shifted what’s written, leading to CRC error). Fix « Le maitre absolu » in ct-raw format
  • [Memory]: Fixed a bug in the PAL, preventing SymbOs to use full memory.
  • [GUI]: Fixed missing space and enter for Autotype
  • [GUI]: Added a PAUSE feature, accessible via menu or the « Pause » key on the keyboard
  • [Z80]: Fixed a rare bug that can lead to potential unwanted deadlock with HALT command
  • [TAPE]: FAST loading enabled : If a tape is read, refresh are cut, so speed can be 2 to 3 time faster.
  • [Display]: SDL2 lib is now used. Fullscreen option is now better, as it can be fully configured. Also, black screen insertion for 100hz display can be used for buttery smooth scrollers
  • [Display]: Screen size and position is now more correct
  • [Display]: Screenshots are now better (and without any toolbar)
  • [Printer]: A really basic printer is now plugged ! You can see print result in the PRINT directory. (no graphical printing is done, only text)
  • [Online libraries]: Preliminary integration of CPC-Power and Amstrad.eu online libraries.
Mar 142014

Mochilote released another update of the great CPCDiskXP utility. With CPCDiskXP you can transfer disk images to real floppy disks and vice versa on the Windows OSs. You can download it from the CPCMania website and at the end of this news.


  • DSK to Floppy – Now you can choose between two methods of writing to disk: “Low Level Driver” and “USB Floppy Drive”. The option “USB Floppy Drive” will be only enabled when the format is compatible with the USB floppy writing method.
  • GENERAL – Now the program is able to format the disk when writing on USB floppy drives. Now that the program format and write, is no longer necessary to preformat the disk from windows.
  • GENERAL – Eliminated warnings that the Low Level Driver is not installed at starting the program. Now that you can write to USB floppy is not necessary to show the warning every time.
  • DSKEditor – New feature/button to “Add Files From Another Dsk” (or zip containing Dsk’s) to easily add files that are in other Dsk without extracting them. As you can add files from one Dsk format to another Dsk format, this is also a format converter.
  • DSKEditor – Support for creating/editing two new IBM formats: Single Side, 42 Tracks, 168K (162K Free) and 65 Tracks, 260K (254K Free) [3.5″ only, hack for AMSDOS]. Both can be written on USB floppy drives and both can be used / read in standard Amstrad CPCs.
  • DSKEditor – Support for creating/editing a new PCW/+3DOS format: Single Side, 42 Tracks, 189K (182K Free). It can be written on USB floppy drives and it can be used / read in standard PCW or ZX Spectrum +3.
  • DSKEditor – Support for creating/editing a new ROMDOS D1 format: Double Side, 80 Tracks, 720K (716K Free). It can be written on USB floppy drives.
  • DSKEditor – Support for creating/editing a new CPC DATA format: Single Side, 57 Tracks, 256K (254K Free) [3.5″ only, hack for AMSDOS]. It can be used / read in standard Amstrad CPCs.
  • DSKEditor – Support for creating/editing a new CPC SYSTEM format: Single Side, 59 Tracks, 265K (254K Free) [3.5″ only, hack for AMSDOS]. It can be used / read in standard Amstrad CPCs.
  • DSKEditor – Now when creating a new Dsk you can filter the list of formats to choose from. There are 5 filters: “All Formats”, “Amstrad CPC Standard Formats”, “Amstrad CPC With Modified ROM Formats”, “USB Floppy Drive Compatible Formats” and “Amstrad PCW / ZX Spectrum Formats”. With these filters is very clear on which platform each format works.
CPCDiskXP V2.5.1
CPCDiskXP V2.5.1
CPCDiskXP v2.5.1.zip
Version: 2.5.1
1.2 MiB

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