Dec 232009

Flynn, author of the game H.E.R.O. and the WinCPC emulator for Windows, just wanted to learn how to program an Apple Macintosh and started to port WinCPC. The WinCPC emulation core was ported to C and the View and Controller were ported to Objective-C. He also thought about an iPhone port…

Well, there is lot’s of work to do, e.g. FDC and tape routines, sound rendering and a lot of other things, so it will take some time until MacCPC will be released. He also wrote that he has not discontinued WinCPC.


Dec 212009

CMP, Devilmarkus and Hermol released a small and nice christmas intro. Load it and have fun during the holidays :-).

You can download the intro from at the end of this article.


Xmas 2009
Xmas 2009
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Dec 132009

Ervin ported the game 3D-Maze written by Nigel Sharp in 1985 (Amstrad Computer User, October 1985) to a mixture of CCZ80 and assembler. He ported the BASIC game line by line and added additional assembler routines. Instead of using the slow drawing routines of the firmware, he uses some of the drawing routines which are available at the [[Programming#Graphics|CPCWiki]]. You can get more information about the port in the CCZ80 forums.

The DSK image contains both versions: the old BASIC version and the new, improved version. You can download the disk at the end of this posting and from the CPC Wiki.


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Dec 072009

A new batch (25 pieces) of [[SYMBiFACE II | Symbiface II]] interfaces for the Amstrad CPC is now available for ordering. If you are interested you can send a mail to Prodatron: (you need JavaScript to see the mail address).

The Symbiface II is the ultimate extension for your CPC:

  • IDE interface (to connect a harddisk to the CPC)
  • 512kb RAM expansion
  • 512kb rewriteable ROM
  • PS/2 mouse connector
  • Real-time clock

Be quick to get one :-).

Dec 062009

Kevin Thacker made the full version of his game “Stranded” available for download. Stranded is a puzzle game where you have to move your character from a starting square over each square to an end square. Sounds simple, but you will get 32 challenging levels.

You can download it from Kevin Thackers game website or directly at the end of this news entry. If you want to buy the game on a real cassette, you can do that on the Cronosoft page.


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